Federal Standard 595 (aka, Fed Std 595) describes colors used by the United States government for procurement. This is a single 3" x 5" color chip, in one of the 650 colors available, in a protective envelope. Chip is suitable for color matching and quality control inspection purposes.
NOTE: Unfortunately, we are permanently out-of-stock of the following color chips: 11136, 17038, 17925, 20150, 20152, 20220, 20475, 24533, 26173, 26270, 26307, 26373, 26492, 27038, 27855, 27885, 30219, 33446, 34084, 34159, 36081, 37030 & 37038.
CAUTION: Improper handling or continual exposure to sunlight, chemical fumes, etc., may cause color of the chip to drift. Color chips should be kept in envelope when not being used for color comparison. Users should exercise extreme care to protect the color chips and to minimize drift.
Read more about Federal Standard 595, including the 595 spec.
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Color Codes
There are 650 individual color codes, all in the same
5 digit format.
The first digit of the color number indicates the color at a level or degree of gloss.
First Digit
Flat or Lusterless
The second digit of the color number indicates an arbitrarily selected color classification grouping.
Second Digit
Predominate Color Grouping
Miscellaneous (whites, blacks, etc.)
The last three digits of the color number are assigned in the approximate order of increasing reflectance.
10032, 10045, 10049, 10055, 10059, 10070, 10075, 10076, 10080, 10091, 10115, 10219, 10233, 10260, 10266, 10324, 10371, 11086, 11105, 11120, 11136, 11140, 11302, 11310, 11328, 11350, 11400, 11630, 11670, 12160, 12197, 12199, 12215, 12243, 12246, 12250, 12300, 12473, 12648, 13275, 13415, 13432, 13507, 13522, 13523, 13531, 13538, 13578, 13591, 13594, 13596, 13613, 13618, 13637, 13655, 13670, 13690, 13695, 13711, 13740, 13814, 14036, 14050, 14052, 14056, 14062, 14064, 14066, 14077, 14079, 14081, 14084, 14090, 14097, 14109, 14110, 14115, 14120, 14151, 14158, 14159, 14187, 14193, 14223, 14241, 14255, 14257, 14260, 14272, 14277, 14325, 14449, 14491, 14516, 14533, 14664, 14672, 15042, 15044, 15045, 15048, 15050, 15052, 15055, 15056, 15065, 15080, 15090, 15092, 15095, 15102, 15107, 15109, 15123, 15125, 15177, 15180, 15182, 15187, 15193, 15200, 15450, 15526, 16076, 16081, 16099, 16160, 16165, 16187, 16250, 16251, 16293, 16307, 16314, 16329, 16350, 16357, 16360, 16376, 16405, 16440, 16473, 16480, 16492, 16515, 16555, 17038, 17043, 17100, 17142, 17155, 17178, 17773, 17778, 17855, 17860, 17865, 17875, 17877, 17886, 17925
20040, 20045, 20059, 20061, 20062, 20065, 20070, 20090, 20095, 20100, 20109, 20117, 20122, 20140, 20150, 20152, 20160, 20170, 20180, 20206, 20219, 20220, 20227, 20233, 20252, 20260, 20266, 20270, 20313, 20318, 20372, 20400, 20450, 20460, 20475, 21105, 21136, 21158, 21302, 21310, 21400, 21433, 21575, 21643, 21667, 21668, 21670, 22144, 22190, 22203, 22246, 22276, 22356, 22473, 22510, 22516, 22519, 22544, 22563, 22630, 22648, 23275, 23420, 23430, 23440, 23448, 23522, 23525, 23530, 23531, 23538, 23540, 23564, 23578, 23594, 23613, 23617, 23619, 23640, 23655, 23685, 23690, 23695, 23697, 23711, 23717, 23722, 23727, 23785, 23793, 23814, 24052, 24064, 24070, 24079, 24084, 24091, 24097, 24098, 24108, 24109, 24110, 24120, 24148, 24158, 24159, 24165, 24172, 24190, 24201, 24210, 24226, 24227, 24233, 24241, 24260, 24272, 24277, 24300, 24325, 24373, 24410, 24417, 24424, 24432, 24441, 24449, 24466, 24491, 24504, 24516, 24518, 24525, 24533, 24552, 24554, 24558, 24583, 24585, 24664, 24670, 24672, 25042, 25045, 25048, 25050, 25051, 25052, 25053, 25056, 25060, 25095, 25102, 25109, 25177, 25183, 25184, 25185, 25189, 25190, 25193, 25200, 25230, 25237, 25240, 25299, 25352, 25414, 25440, 25488, 25526, 25530, 25550, 25622, 25630, 26008, 26044, 26081, 26099, 26118, 26120, 26122, 26132, 26134, 26152, 26173, 26176, 26187, 26231, 26250, 26251, 26255, 26260, 26270, 26280, 26290, 26293, 26300, 26306, 26307, 26314, 26329, 26357, 26360, 26373, 26380, 26400, 26405, 26408, 26420, 26424, 26440, 26480, 26492, 26493, 26496, 26521, 26555, 26559, 26586, 26595, 26622, 26630, 27038, 27040, 27041, 27043, 27142, 27144, 27160, 27722, 27769, 27778, 27780, 27855, 27875, 27880, 27885, 27886, 27925, 28913, 28915
Low gloss (flat)
30040, 30045, 30051, 30059, 30097, 30099, 30108, 30109, 30111, 30117, 30118, 30140, 30145, 30160, 30166, 30206, 30215, 30219, 30227, 30233, 30252, 30257, 30266, 30277, 30279, 30313, 30315, 30318, 30324, 30372, 30450, 30475, 30480, 31090, 31136, 31158, 31302, 31310, 31350, 31400, 31433, 31575, 31638, 31643, 31667, 31668, 31669, 31670, 32169, 32246, 32276, 32356, 32473, 32516, 32540, 32544, 32555, 32630, 32648, 33070, 33105, 33245, 33275, 33303, 33434, 33440, 33446, 33448, 33481, 33510, 33522, 33531, 33538, 33564, 33578, 33613, 33617, 33637, 33655, 33685, 33690, 33695, 33696, 33711, 33717, 33722, 33727, 33793, 33798, 33814, 34031, 34052, 34058, 34064, 34079, 34082, 34083, 34084, 34086, 34087, 34088, 34089, 34090, 34092, 34094, 34095, 34096, 34097, 34098, 34102, 34108, 34127, 34128, 34129, 34130, 34138, 34148, 34151, 34158, 34159, 34160, 34170, 34201, 34226, 34227, 34230, 34233, 34241, 34258, 34259, 34272, 34277, 34300, 34325, 34350, 34373, 34410, 34414, 34424, 34432, 34441, 34449, 34491, 34504, 34516, 34518, 34524, 34533, 34540, 34552, 34554, 34558, 34583, 34666, 34670, 34672, 35042, 35044, 35045, 35048, 35052, 35056, 35095, 35109, 35164, 35177, 35180, 35183, 35189, 35190, 35193, 35231, 35237, 35240, 35250, 35260, 35275, 35299, 35352, 35414, 35450, 35466, 35488, 35526, 35550, 35622, 35630, 36076, 36081, 36099, 36118, 36134, 36152, 36170, 36173, 36176, 36231, 36251, 36270, 36280, 36293, 36300, 36306, 36307, 36314, 36320, 36357, 36373, 36375, 36405, 36415, 36424, 36440, 36463, 36473, 36480, 36492, 36495, 36521, 36555, 36559, 36586, 36595, 36622, 36628, 36642, 36650, 37030, 37031, 37038, 37056, 37100, 37142, 37144, 37150, 37200, 37722, 37769, 37778, 37855, 37875, 37886, 37925, 38901, 38903, 38905, 38907